Applications/Microsoft Office 2011/Office/Media/Templates With Microsoft Office 2011, this is a relatively straightforward process as there is an existing directory for Word, PowerPoint and Excel templates at the location shown below: If you’re using multiple slide masters (for example, when you apply more than one template to your presentation), you must change the font style on each slide master.In many shops, Mac admins have a requirement to deploy templates for Microsoft Word, Excel or PowerPoint. If you’re using one slide master, and you change a font on the slide master, the new font choice appears throughout your presentation. In the With field, select the font that you want to use, select Replace, and then select Close. In the Replace Font dialog box, in the Replace field, select the font that you want to replace. On the Home tab, in the Editing group, select Replace and then select Replace Fonts.

You can also use the Replace Font option to change a font throughout your presentation. To return to editing your slides, on the Slide Master tab, in the Close group, click Close Master View.

Repeat steps 1 through 4 for any other fonts that you want to change. On the Slide Master tab, in the Background group, click Fonts, and then select a font from the list. On the slide master or layout, click the title text or the level of body text that you want to apply a new font style to.

In the left pane that contains the slide masters and layouts, click the slide master thumbnail or layout that contains the font that you want to change. On the View tab, in the Master Views group, click Slide Master. (This feature is not available for PowerPoint for the web.) On the Home tab, in the Font group, select a font in the Font list.Ĭhange the fonts throughout your presentation To change the font for all the text in a placeholder, either select all the text in the placeholder, or click the placeholder. To change the font for a single paragraph or a phrase, select the text that you want to change.