There is a FireFox bug with a very long story which doesn't allow to prevent ALT default actions.Emscripten erases graphic buffer after each draw call. Death and teleport fade in effects are broken.Some specific SDL_Mixer audio functions aren't implemented ( you can find it by TODO: search query) but the game is playable.This files should be converted to another compatible formats. Some old web browsers does not support WebAssembly code.If you use Windows then don't show off, enable Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), download Linux-like system (for example, Ubuntu) from Windows Store and install Emscripten SDK. I'm not sure that compilation will be successful on a Windows platform. Install Emscripten SDK from official website.Compiled once this code can work on any devices with different operation systems. This code is executed by modern web browsers without any additional runtime dependencies. The project can be compiled as wasm code. Compilation / Deployment steps will be updated in near future, game itself is successfully running on Android.

Sudo apt install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev libsdl2-gfx-dev